Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Cavemen Know Best

In addition to offering dynamic, high-intensity workouts, Crossfit Paradiso also offers advice on dieting techniques that align with these demanding workouts.  The recommended diet is called the paleo diet and is based upon everyday, modern foods that mimic the food groups of our pre-agricultural, hunter-gatherer ancestors.  This diet is high in protein and fiber intake and low in carbohydrate intake. Adhering to this diet while in college, particularly while living on campus, may seem impossible because most meals on campus are pre-made using ingredients excluded in the paleo diet such as grains, diary, and processed vegetable oils.  However, there is still still hope for heal-conscious students who live on campus or have meal plans and are limited by this dilemma.

One option available for lunch and dinner that I have been eating regularly is a salad and chicken breast combination available at the Lair.  There is a food station called "getfresh" that offers a variety of salads and wraps.  However most of the salads on the menu include dressings or grains that are not paleo friendly and are somewhat pricey since they are made for you.  Instead I have found that the self-serve salad bar combined with a grilled chicken breast from the grill station is a better option and is cheaper since you are building the salad yourself.  My meal recommendation consists of the following.

Featured Meal

Start by going to the grill station and ordering 1 grilled chicken breast.  While this is being prepared head to the self-serve salad bar and place the following in a bowl:

- 1 cup of mixed greens
- 1/2 cup of baby spinach
- 1/2 cup of diced cucumber
- 1 handful (dont actually use your hands) of assorted diced bell peppers
- 1 handful of dried cranberries
- lightly topped with extra virgin olive oil and vinegar

By the time you have created the salad your chicken breast is usually ready.  Make sure you keep the chicken separate from the salad until they are both paid for since the salad is weighed at purchase and is a separate item from the chicken.  Once both have been paid for you can combine the chicken with the salad.  Beverage selection is up to you but water is always the smartest health-conscious option.

Status Update 

Three weeks ago I was weighed and my abdominal circumferences was measured for Air Force height and weight standards.  I weighed in at 222 lbs with a 37 in waist.  Yesterday I weighed  and measured myself at the gym and was 219 lbs with a 35.5 in waist.  When I first weighed myself I was pretty upset with the results.  Losing 3 lbs in 3 weeks is not very impressive.  However after measuring my waist and seeing that I lost 1.5 in in circumference (mostly fat and water weight), I realized that I overlooked that fact that the majority of crossfit workouts emphasize lower-body strength (something I had very little of prior to joining the program) and an increase in strength usually requires increased muscle mass, which is actually heavier per unit volume than fat. I anticipate that my weight will remain constant or only drop slightly within the next few weeks due to increased muscle mass, but my abdominal circumference will continue to decrease.  My goal when I weigh and measure myself in two weeks is weigh between 215-220 lbs and have an abdominal circumference of 34 in.

Whats Next?

Next week I will be discussing more dynamic, high-intensity exercises that been the most effective for me during my crossfit training sessions.

Final approach in sight.  Over and Out.

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